SOTF Mini Wiki

WARNING: This page contains SOTF: Evolution v1 spoilers.

Below is a list of all the known trials conducted by The Organization, including those RPed and those referenced in fiction but not actually played out:

Trial A[]

General Information:[]

Year conducted: 2009 (likely summer, assuming a binannual schedule)

Serum: P12

Location: The Island


Winner: Khalid Shamoun

Runner-up: Molly (Surname unknown)

Notable events/results of interest: During the A Trials, Khalid Shamoun was enetered into the game at the insistance of Dr. Cavery, despite his apparent lack of a power. He was killed in the finals, and a girl named Molly declared the winner. Before Molly could be extracted, though, Khalid returned from the dead due to his previously-unknown power, killing her and claiming her position as winner.

Trial B[]

General Information:[]

Year conducted: Unknown (presumably 2009; likely winter, assuming a biannual schedule)

Serum: P12

Location: The Island


Winner: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Nolan

Runner-up: Unknown

Notable events/results of interest: Little is known about the B Trials. Presumably, everything ran smoothly.

Trial C[]

General Information:[]

Year conducted: 2010 (6/23/10-6/26/10)

Serum: P12

Location: The Island


Winner: Unknown

Runner-up: Unknown

Notable events/results of interest: The C Trials ran fairly smoothly for the most part, with a few notable exceptions. First off, the winner of the A Trials, Khalid Shamoun, was dropped onto the island partway through the game, forced to participate once more. Khalid had a notable impact on the game, killing a potential contender, Raymond Pietrowski, and making his way to the finals.
